THE DATE: Mark April 30th, 2023, on your calendar for the next “Listen to Your Mother” show!
In 2019, I was proud to have The Fearless Leap present the inaugural “Listen to Your Mother – Indy,” the storytelling phenomenon that gives motherhood a microphone. The goal of every LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHER production is to take the audience on a well-crafted, 90-minute journey of diverse, true stories about motherhood– being a mom, having a mom, losing a mom, finding a mom- as many interpretations on the theme of mothering as you can imagine.
Author Ann Imig founded “Listen to Your Mother” in Wisconsin in 2010. The show became an instant sensation, growing into a grassroots phenomenon spanning 50+ cities and over 250 productions across North America, and a charitable giving movement that raised thousands of dollars for nonprofit causes supporting women and families in need.
Every year, I audition local courageous men and women and chose 12 of the most diverse storytellers to delight and inspire audiences. From hilarious and heartwarming, to emotionally intense and profound, “Listen to Your Mother” entertains, energizes, brings community together and leaves everyone feeling a little less alone and a little more understood.
It’s an evening of laughter and tears. Of stories that inspire. And the best part? Proceeds benefit a different local women’s charity.
2019 marked my first time directing a production, an experience that called on me to lead by example, cast fear aside, and tackle a new challenge alongside this talented cast. Together, we locked arms and took the leap – and produced two back-to-back sold-out shows at IndyFringe.
In 2019 and 2020 we raised money for Pass the Torch for Women Foundation. The nonprofit supports women throughout their careers with mentoring, networking, and leadership training. In 2021, at The District Theatre, we proudly supported Project Lia. This social enterprise is dedicated to repurposing discarded material into one-of-a-kind home and office furnishings as part of a job training program for formerly incarcerated women.
Our chosen charity for 2022 was Soroptimist Metro Indianapolis, helping women and children live their dream. Soroptimists inspire action and create opportunities to transform lives of girls and women by: Advocating for equity and equality; Creating safe and healthy environments; Increasing access to education; Developing leadership and practical skills for sustainable future. The show was at Arts for Lawrence’s Theater at the Fort.
To date, Listen to Your Mother Indy has raised over $10,000 for our supported charities! This could not be done without the help of sponsors. Thank you to all who kindly donated or donated prizes for the raffle.
Get Involved!
Listen to Your Mother – Indy would love to hear from you. Sign up or contact for email alerts about the 2023 show, including audition information and production details.
Pass the Torch, formed in 2014, seeks to support women through all stages of their career. Funds raised for the nonprofit provide mentoring and professional training for female college students as they transition to the workforce.
For as long as I can remember, I have had less-than-positive emotions regarding my dad’s mother. After attending the play, “Listen to your mother,” my grandmother came to mind. I didn’t realize that maybe I was carrying some of this distant emotion. I thought of her and realized that I never knew her story. The only thing I did know was that she was not living with her husband and he was living with another woman. I never thought about the impact of this and other possible disappointments on her life. I was suddenly able to think about it in a way that released my years of feeling unloved by her. I was able to forgive myself for those feelings. I was able to forgive her. This was as a result of “Listen To Your Mother.” How powerful that was for me. Thank you.
u003cstrongu003eCarole Craigu003c/strongu003eu003cstrongu003eAttendee of inaugural LTYM-Indy performanceu003c/strongu003e
I learned of ‘Listen to Your Mother’ through Facebook. The title alone intrigued me. After clicking through a quick set of links, I learned about the Pass the Torch organization the show benefits and realized I knew at least one of the anticipated storytellers in the lineup. I was able to secure a few last-minute tickets to one of the sold-out performances, and I took a friend on a spontaneous evening out to listen to heartfelt, varied and relatable personal stories from talented storytellers across Indianapolis. The perspective and insight shared was inspirational and touching. My friend and I left feeling lucky to be on this joyous journey of motherhood and with a stronger appreciation for the shapes and sizes that the motherhood experience brings to all of us. What an unexpected treat on Mother’s Day weekend! We look forward to next year’s u0022Listen to Your Motheru0022 and will plan in advance to bring many friends!
u003cstrongu003eLisa Dimondu003c/strongu003eu003cstrongu003eAttendee of inaugural LTYM-Indy performanceu003c/strongu003e
It was an absolute pleasure to be asked by Haley Lawrence if Pass the Torch for Women would be interested in a joint endeavor to introduce this incredible show to Indianapolis. Pass the Torch for Women Foundation is about helping women as they navigate their career path by providing one-on-one mentoring from successful executives and other resources within its community. Listen To Your Mother is the perfect vehicle to relive experiences from other women and men who grew personally and professionally as a result of their mothers. Haley does a wonderful job of finding and directing a mix of individuals with different experiences and outcomes due to having a strong woman in their lives. Pass the Torch for Women Foundation is honored to be part of the amazing stories depicting the strength of women.
Deb HallbergCEO, Pass the Torch Foundation
I have been acting since age 8 in equity and cabaret theaters across the Midwest. It wasn’t until Haley cast me as a storyteller in the Indy premiere of LTYM that I considered sharing my own story and not a character’s. The piece I wrote and performed for our sold-out shows in May 2019 has now gone on to be featured in the highly followed blog and social media page, Sweatpants u0026amp; Coffee, where NYT bestselling author Julie Barton used it as a writing prompt for her college students. I have since gone on to be featured in The Anxiety Chronicles by The Lilly, a production of The Washington Post, and most recently accepted a monthly writing position with Indianapolis Moms Blog. I would not have pursued these opportunities had not been for Haley’s vision of bringing LTYM to Indianapolis.
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